Community Outreach Ministries
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The Arc of Moore County
673 S. Bennett Street
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: Wendy Carter, 910.692.8272
Emmanuel Contact: Susan Holmes arcmooresh@embarqumail.com
Mission: The Arc of Moore County was established in 1960 by parents who needed and desired services and supports for their children with developmental disabilities. From the work of many Arc members came the first exceptional education program in the public schools, the first developmental day preschool, the first adult vocational program and an organization of people committed to improving the lives of people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
Today, The Arc provides a variety of services and supports to individuals and families. As an advocacy organization, we work at the local, state and national level to encourage new and better opportunities for inclusive living, working and leisure for people with disabilities, while supporting self-advocates to achieve independence and dignity. Information about the services provided by The Arc of Moore County is also shared with area human-service organizations by way of the United Way of Moore County’s 211 information data base.
As a private, non-profit organization, funding for The Arc’s services and supports come from many sources: United Way, County of Moore, Sandhills Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, and the federal Medicaid program. However, to sustain and grow our ability to serve individuals and their families, the staff, board of directors and volunteers of The Arc staff continuously seeking other funding sources. Fundraising and private contributions are crucial and much needed to help The Arc carry out its mission.
BackPack Pals
195 Sandy Ave.
Southern Pines, NC 28387
BackPack Program Contact:
Sharon McDonald
(910) 639-3197 x2407
Emmanuel Episcopal Contact:
Amy McNeill
(910) 691-4027
The BackPack Pals Program provides healthy weekend meals during the school year to children living in food insecure homes. These children rely on free or reduced-cost meals at school and have been identified by school staff, teachers, and counselors as having little or no food to eat at home. Each meal pack contains individually packaged items that are easy for kids to eat and include protein, grains, and fruit.
This program helps 1,100 students at schools in Moore County. Every week during the school year, volunteers from churches, civic clubs, and other organizations come to the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina at Sandhills to pack the meals and deliver them to their assigned school for distribution to the children.
Schools, teachers, and families see the immediate benefits of the BackPack Pals Program. Teachers consistently report improvement in test scores, participation, and comprehension. Schools see a decrease in unexcused absences and less behavioral issues. The children are able to return to school on Monday morning without stomach aches, and are able to focus on learning, growing strong, and working toward their future careers.
Volunteer Opportunities
Two Ways to Help:
Sponsor a child for $40/month.
Drop off individually packaged food at the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina at Sandhills. Suggested items include crackers, pudding, cereal, juice, Jello, ramen noodles and soup.
Bethany House
240 E. Vermont Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387
House Director: Page Ingram, Director 910.692.0779
Emmanuel Contact: Beth Garrison, 910.692.9595, bgarrison@nc.rr.com
Bethany House is a nonprofit, charitable corporation dedicated to providing a clean and sober living environment for women recovering from substance abuse in the south-central region of North Carolina. Residents are adult women who are motivated to continue their recovery. Bethany House provides a clean, safe, structured and supportive home-like setting before returning to active family, social and community life.
The mission for each and every resident is:
To be gainfully employed, actively seeking employment, or enrolled in school;
To seek newfound sober activities enhancing one’s future;
To be actively involved with 12 Step Meetings and Sponsorship;
To build self-esteem by adhering to the above principles;
To become a productive, clean, sober member of society;
To secure savings and seek or return to own living arrangements.
Volunteer Opportunities: Collection and coordination of donated items and assistance with facility maintenance.
Needs: tall kitchen trash bags
Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills
160 Memorial Park Ct
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: John Earp, 910.692.0777
Emmanuel Contact: Bob Howell, 910.528.0541, bobhowell2@gmail.com
The Basics
Who: Youth ages six to 18 years
What: Youth development programs
Southern Pines Unit school year: 2 p.m.-6:30 pm Mon-Fri
Aberdeen Unit school year: 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Summer: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon-Fri. We offer an early bird program in summer from 6:30-8 a.m. for a small fee.
Where: 160 Memorial Park Court, Southern Pines, NC & Aberdeen Elementary
How: $10 school year membership or $125 summer program
In 2013, the Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills provided 27,880 meals in Southern Pines and 15,357 snacks in Aberdeen, serving more than 2,000 members and community youth.
From games and athletics to drug-prevention workshops, Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills offers young people a range of fun and productive activities. We have two Clubs--one in Southern Pines, NC and one in Aberdeen, NC--which are open each day after school from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., when research has shown children to be most vulnerable to gangs, violence and other risky behaviors. In the summer, Clubs and special summer-only sites open their doors all day to young people with nowhere else to go.
A trained, caring staff implements proven youth development strategies and creates a stable, supportive environment for children and teens ages six to 18. Specially designed programs concentrate on developing job readiness, study skills, leadership, self-esteem, good health and social responsibility among Boys & Girls Club members.
Our Mission
The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills is to inspire, enable and educate young people from all backgrounds and circumstances to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.
Communities In School
300 Kelley Road
Suite D
Pinehurst, NC 28370
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 223 Pinehurst NC 28370
Executive Director: Bryana Nelson, 910.295.1072, bryana@cismoore.org
Mentor Coordinator: Alyssa Pratt, alyssa@cismoore.org
Emmanuel Contact: Carolyn Giltzow, 910.235.0951
The name “Communities In Schools” (CIS) explains what we do—we place communities within schools. Locally, CIS works in partnership with the community. CIS places site coordinators at schools who then connect students and their families to critical community resources, tailored to meet individual student needs be they academic or personal. As a result, CIS is providing the link between our educators and the community, which means teachers are free to teach, and students—particularly those who are in danger of dropping out—can focus on learning, progress undistracted in school, graduate and be prepared for enrollment, employment or enlistment.
Current programming includes:
Mentoring Program
Community Mentoring
In-school Mentoring
Reading Buddies
Moore Family Connections Program
Transition/Graduation Coach at the Community Learning Center at Pinckney
Volunteer Opportunities: Mentors, Reading Buddies, Volunteer Support, Board Members
Needs: School supplies
Emmanuel Lunch
Emmanuel Contact: Genevieve Walker, 910.315.6149
Mission: To provide nourishing meals in a safe, warm, caring environment free of charge to anyone who comes seeking nourishment regardless of age, sex, race, financial qualifications, or religious beliefs. Emmanuel Parish serves as a preparation site.
Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are needed to prepare meals at Emmanuel Church two mornings per month.
Emmanuel Thrift Shop
177 NE Broad Street
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Emmanuel Contact: Lucie Saylor, 910.949.9983
Hours of Operation
Sales: Thursday & Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Donations: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Mission: Begun in 1932, the Thrift Shop continues to serve the Emmanuel church family and the Moore County community at large by providing funds generated by the sale of donated clothing and household items to charitable organizations. The opportunity to turn quality items no longer needed by their original owners into funds that assist those in need is unique to the Thrift Shop experience.
The Emmanuel Thrift Shop is staffed completely by volunteers most of whom have many years of dedicated service to this mission.
Volunteer Opportunities: Sales, Receiving Donations, Donation Pick-up, Preparation of items for Sale (washing/ironing), Pricing, Inventory, Merchandise Display, Public Relations/Advertising, Special Events.
Needs: Decorating Items (vases, frames)
Family Promise
303 Saunders Blvd
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: Peggy Hendrix, 910.944.7149
Emmanuel Contact: Monika Brown, 910.703.0087, monika.brown@uncp.edu
Family Promise is a nonprofit agency that offers a community response for homeless families in Moore County. Assistance is provided through a network of participating hosts and support congregations, a Board of Trustees, and the Executive Director.
Shelter Program: With the help of a network of congregations, Family Promise helps homeless families achieve sustainable independence by providing temporary shelter, meals, transportation, and support to qualified clients.
Transitional Housing Program was developed to provide families with a safe living environment while working on increasing their income to a level sufficient to sustain permanent housing. It is anticipated the length of time for a family to transition to permanent, sustainable housing will take no longer than 18 months. Each family will work with the Family Promise case manager to develop a Family Success Plan. This plan will outline long-range and short-range goals, and detail the tasks needed to accomplish those goals – broken down into small, manageable components with realistic time frames to accomplish each task. While participating in the Transitional Housing Program, families will live in their own apartment and will receive a rental subsidy from Family Promise. Adult family members must be working in order to apply for the program.
Wheels to Work: Donated vehicles in good running condition are placed with well-qualified, low-income workers in Moore County at a nominal cost.
Family Promise needs volunteers, right away! Please go to VolunteerSpot.com to sign up!
Volunteer Opportunities: Evening Hosts, Overnight Hosts, Meal Preparers, Van Drivers, Office Assistance, and Board Members.
Needs: Laundry Detergent
Friend to Friend
103 Monroe Street
Suite 102
Carthage, NC 28327
Executive Director: Caitlyn Terry, 910.947.1703
Emmanuel Contact: Beth Garrison, 910.692.9595, bgarrison@nc.rr.com
Mission: To help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault rebuild their lives.
Services Provided:
24-7 Crisis Line
Emergency Shelter/Serenity House
Guidance Advocacy
Hospital Accompaniment for Sexual Assault Survivors
Court Accompaniment
Referrals to other community resources
Community Education
Support Groups
Court Advocacy
Butterfly Boutique Thrift Shop/Outreach Center
Volunteer Opportunities: Shop and donate to Friend to Friend’s Butterfly Boutique/Outreach Center located at 125 South Bennett St., Southern Pines. Volunteers are also needed to help at the Butterfly Boutique. Please visit Friend to Friend’s website for more information and volunteer form.
Friend to Friend Furniture Boutique: Friend to Friend furniture boutique is located within Fabulous Finds,105 McReynolds Street in downtown Carthage. This boutique is the result of many offers of furniture gifts over time and provides another source of revenue to support our services. We are confident you will find this upscale offering on par with our successful Butterfly Boutique.
Call 910.947.3333 to schedule a free pick up for your donations.
Suggested Donations:
Area rugs
Home Décor
Habitat for Humanity
2268 NC Highway 5
Aberdeen, NC 28315
Executive Director: Elizabeth Cox
Emmanuel Contact: Beth Whitman, 910.692.6618
Mission: Our mission is to partner with families in need and the entire community to build or repair decent, affordable homes.
Vision: In recognition of the value of every human life, our vision is to end substandard housing in the Sandhills region and to make a shelter for everyone a matter of conscience.
Habitat for Humanity welcomes new volunteers to assist us in building low income housing for God’s people in need. Volunteers are the core of our mission in Moore County.
Volunteer Opportunities: Construction, Internal Committees, Public Relations, Special Events, Church Relations, The Habitat Moore Store
On-site Needs: Lance/Nabisco individually wrapped crackers, canned sodas, multigrain bars, yogurt bars, 33-gallon trash bags, pump sanitizers for hand washing.
Linden Lodge
P.O. Box 4823
Pinehurst, NC 28374
President of the Board: Ashley Baker, 910.691.1517
Emmanuel Contacts: Mary McAden, 910.692.8375
Mission: To advocate for quality services for the severe and persistently mentally ill in Moore County. To educate and raise awareness in the general population about mental illness. To provide emotional support and understanding for the families of mentally ill persons by offering free educational and support meetings. To work with local, state and national agencies to secure the necessary housing, living assistance, educational and rehabilitation opportunities, and vocational rehabilitation services for those with mental illness. To promote research into the causes, recovery, and cures for mental illness.
Volunteer Opportunities: Grant Writers and Creative Writers
Needs: Washcloths/Bath towels
Moore County Literacy Council
575 SE Broad Street
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: Stuart Mills, 910.692.5954, stuart@mcliteracy.org
Emmanuel Contact: Liz Dalrymple, 910.692.2198, lizdal813@gmail.com
Since our founding in 1987, by members of the Emmanuel congregation, our mission is to teach adults basic life and literacy skills by providing free one-to-one tutoring. The adults who come to us typically read below the eighth-grade level and most read below the fourth. Our main programs are Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL).
We also offer goal-based services for adults needing assistance in a specific area such as learning to read and comprehend job-specific instructions, preparing for a driver’s license test, or a ministry exam. Some adults require tutoring in math for job or goal-specific reasons. The majority of our students, however, enroll in either the ABE or ESL programs.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. We offer tutoring at Read Moore Center in Southern Pines, St. Mary Magdalene Church in Seven Lakes on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and various other sites around the county on an individual basis. Last year our volunteers donated an astonishing 5,591 hours of time to the Literacy Council. In addition to tutoring, there are occasional opportunities to volunteer administrative support in the office at Read Moore and at fundraising events.
Our wish list revolves around supplies for the Read Moore Center and for the book baskets we regularly stock around the county. We also are always in need of volunteer tutors.
Paper goods such as toilet paper and white (no printing) paper towels
Both paper and hardcover novels for adults – last year we estimate that we distributed over 3,000 books to out baskets at various post offices and laundromats around the county. This has been a hugely successful undertaking for the Literacy Council and once again, reflects a commitment on the part of volunteers who keep the baskets stocked. Books can be dropped off at Read Moore Center – 575 SE Broad Street, Suite 10, Southern Pines (in the Icehouse Square complex between Curt’s and Vito’s restaurants) Monday-Thursday between 9:00am-6:00 pm.
Volunteer tutors
Moore Free Care Clinic
211 Trimble Plant Road
Suite C
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: Anthony Price, 910.246.5333
Emmanuel Contact: Jill Botnick, 910.690.8123
Mission: In the spirit of compassion and concern, the Moore Free Care Clinic provides high-quality primary care, preventive and specialty health care to limited-income people of Moore County, who are uninsured and cannot afford access to health care.
Medical Professional Volunteer Opportunities: Dieticians, lab technicians, nurse practitioners, nurses (RN,LPN,CNAs), pharmacists, physician assistants and physicians.
Administrative Volunteer Opportunities: Bookkeeper, public relations assistant, data entry clerk, eligibility reviewer, finance specialist, general office staff, housekeeper, interpreter and translator, patient mentors, pharmacy assistant, receptionist, resource advisor, special events assistant, and patient transporter.
Wish List: Medical supplies – alcohol pads, band-aids, cotton balls, diabetic supplies, exam table paper, medical charts, otoscope specula, phlebotomy supplies, sterile swabs and tongue depressors.
Northern Moore Family Resource Center
125 East Salisbury Street
Robbins, NC 27325
Northern Moore Family Resource Center Contact: Clare Ruggles, 910.948.4324, nmfrc@embarqmail.com
Emmanuel Contact: Helen Probst-Mills, 910.295.3969
The Northern Moore Family Resource Center (NMFRC) was established in 1996 with a stated mission to encourage the development of strong families, healthy children and caring communities by matching resources with needs in the northern Moore County Area. The Resource Center has been in operation ever since.
NMFRC currently receives support from The United Way of Moore County, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, The County of Moore, Sandhills Community College, and the Sandhills Center for Mental Health.
Additionally, the Resource Center welcomes donations from individuals, churches, businesses, and any other entity interested in supporting our current programs.
You Can Make a Difference!
Donations to NMFRC are 100% tax-deductible, and they allow us to provide worthwhile programs like our summer camp, which engages more than 200 at-risk youth in a safe and healthy environment, where their lives are enriched through exposure to new ideas and places.
Simply click the donate button to the side to make a secure online donation through PayPal, or send your donation to:
Northern Moore Family Resource Center
P. O. Box 190
Robbins, NC 27325
If you have any questions about supporting our work or if your company or foundation would like to partner with us, please contact Clare Ruggles.
Penick Village
500 E. Rhode Island Ave. Southern Pines, NC 28387
Chief Executive Officer: Chip Cromartie
As a faith-based, nonprofit organization, Penick Village offers independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and memory support for older adults. Penick Village’s mission is to cultivate a friendly and safe community, where residents have the freedom to focus on their wellness and relationships while living to life’s fullest potential.
Penick Village’s vision is to offer a premier life plan community experience to its residents, delivering exceptional services, lifestyle, and innovation.
Since its inception in 1964, Penick Village has also remained true to the vision of Bishop Edwin A. Penick that no resident be turned out for lack of funds. Each year, through the stewardship of the Penick Village Foundation, the Benevolent Assistance Program ensures those residents who have outlived their resources, will be well cared for in a beautiful community by a superior team.
Through this tithing, Penick Village offers residents, who receive some sort of aid, that they are guaranteed their home, community, and health care for their lifetime.
Volunteer Opportunities: Companionship, Campus Beautification, Educational Programs, Performances, Fundraising, and Assistance with Life Enrichment Activities: Creative Arts, Music, Pet Therapy, Reading, Bible Studies, and Activities with Memory Care Residents
Needs: Contact the Penick Village Foundation at (910) 692-0487 for donation opportunities for Benevolent Assistance Program, employee scholarship and assistance programs, and much more.
Prancing Horse Center for Therapeutic Horsemanship
P.O. Box 327
Southern Pines, NC 28388
Emmanuel Contact: Edie McWilliam, 910.638.8690
Mission: Prancing Horse works to enhance the lives of individuals with special needs by providing a safe environment for therapeutic horsemanship.
Prancing Horse Inc. is a PATH Premier Accredited therapeutic riding center which provides a needed service to persons in the Sandhills NC area. We have been headquartered in Southern Pines, NC for the past 30 years, providing service to our local communities. Our active board members and motivated volunteers are committed to providing nationally recognized therapeutic riding services to all those who will benefit.
Sandhills/Moore Coalition For Human Care, Inc.
1500 W. Indiana Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director: Barrett Walker, 910.693.1600
Emmanuel Contact: Alice Robbins, 910.949.3134, alicerobbins@earthlink.net
Hours for Clients: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Mission: Sandhills/Moore Coalition was established in 1986 by 12 area churches to coordinate available resources and assistance provided to struggling families in Moore County. Services include food, clothing, financial assistance, transportation and employment counseling. Today the Coalition is supported by more than 75 area churches as well as the United Way of Moore County. Approximately 300 volunteers give their time to make the Coalition possible and additional volunteers are always needed.
Volunteer Opportunities: Greeting and Screening Clients, Sorting and Distributing Clothing and Food, Transporting Clients, Grocery Shopping and Resale Shop volunteers.
Monthly Needs:
January – Juice (and Blankets)
February – Fruit (and Blankets)
March – Mashed Potatoes
April – Apple Sauce
May – Mashed potatoes
June – Jif and Jam
July – Jif and Jam
August – Undies
September – Socks and Stew (beef)
October -- Cheerios
November – Necessities (toiletries such as toothpaste/toothbrush, soap, shampoo)
December – Diapers (and blankets)