Holy Baptism at Emmanuel
Beginning September 1st, we will be setting aside specific days for Baptisms, to assist both our families and the staff and Altar Guild in planning and providing for this most important service of welcome and initiation.
Several years ago, the Episcopal Church listed several days which are most appropriate for baptism. These are: All Saints Day (the Sunday following November 1st), The Baptism of our Lord (First Sunday after the Epiphany – January); Easter and Pentecost. We will also add the feast of the Transfiguration, which is the first Sunday after August 6th to provide a summer option.
This will enable us to host a workshop for baptismal families and godparents on the Saturday before and begin building community around these families as they and/or their children are joining the church.
We will be open to other dates as possible if the families are absolutely unable to plan for baptisms on these days. But exceptions will be based on our current schedule and the needs of the families and the parish.
Please let us know as soon as you are ready that you might want to be baptized or have your children baptized. This is a special day in the life of a person, and we want to do it well and make it incredibly special!
Email Marie to begin planning for your baptism day.