Ministry Leads

Emmanuel Episcopal Church: 910.692.3171
Pastoral Emergencies: Father Morris
(662) 801-6583

Accounting and Pledges: Sue Ingram ext. 203

Acolytes: Cackie Kelly

Altar Flowers: Michelle Kaiser

Altar Guild: Annette Castle and Shirley Denardo

Baking Ministry: Mollie Wilson

Baptisms: Marie Turner ext. 201

Budget: Hannah Page

Buildings and Grounds: Mark Hamilton

Casserole Ministry: Debbie Bolden

Christian Education: Melissa Giltzow

Youth Ministry: Melissa Giltzow

Vestry Liaison: Mark Hamilton

Communications: Genevieve Walker

Daughters of the King: Deborah Hersh and Sueson Vess

Eucharistic Ministers: Marie Turner ext.201

Facility Reservations: Marie Turner ext. 201

Facilities Manager: Charles Ingram

Fellowship: vacant

Vestry Liaison: John Durga and Frank Holt

Finance Committee: Hannah Page

Confirmation/Inquirer’s Class: Father Morris ext. 202

IT Volunteer: Tim Marcham

Memorials: Sue Ingram ext. 203

Music Program: Homer Ferguson ext. 205


Nursery: Melissa Giltzow

Office Volunteer Coordinator: Boydie Girimont

Pastoral Care: Jane Deaton

Vestry Liaison: Patty Pottle

Outreach Chairperson: Bob Howell

Vestry Liaison: Linda Braswell

Bethany House: Joan Owen

Friend to Friend: Nancy Ellis

The Arc of Moore County: Wendy Carter

Linden Lodge:

Moore County Literacy Council: Bob Howell

The Emmanuel Thrift Shop: Lucie Saylor

Sandhills-Moore Coalition for Human Care: Alice & Wayne Robbins

Moore Buddies: Carolyn Giltzow

Backpack Pals: Amy McNeil

Northern Moore Family Resource Center: Monika Brown

Penick Village: Alice Robbins

Emmanuel Lunch Ministry: Genevieve Walker

The Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills: Lynn Thompson

Prancing Horse: Julia Johnstone

Family Promise: Monika Brown

Habitat for Humanity: Beth Whitman

Stewardship: Katherine Stewart-Kelley

Vestry liaisons: Wayne Robbins

Treasurer: Hannah Page

Ushers: Cackie Kelly/Marie Turner ext. 201

Volunteer Opportunities:

Vestry and Wardens:

Sr. Warden: Wayne Robbins

Jr. Warden: Mark Hamilton

Parish Life and Development:

Episcopal Day School: Claudia Miller

Penick Village: Alice Robbins

Outreach: Linda Braswell

Stewardship: Katherine Stewart-Kelley

Fellowship: John Druga and Frank Holt

Finance: Hannah Page

Pastoral Care: Patty Pottle

Children and Youth:

Worship Leaders: Marie Turner ext. 201