Pastoral Care
Bakers provide goodies for coffee hour/ Adult Forum, committee meetings, special events, troops, homebound, and muffins for Mother’s Day.
The Bakers normally meet on an as-needed basis.
Caregivers is a faithful group who meet on Monday mornings to write notes and cards to those in need of encouragement and love. Recipients are the home-bound, the ill, the bereaved -- in short, anyone in need of a loving gesture. Cards are written weekly and for holidays such as Christmas and Easter. We welcome all, whether you come just once, occasionally, or regularly.
Casserole Ministry
Monthly, as needed, a group of dedicated cooks meets to make and freeze casseroles which are then delivered as needed to our sick, our shut-ins, and our bereaved.
Come once, come often, come whenever you can. Join in our fellowship while performing an important ministry. We deliver monthly to parishioners in need.
We welcome you to arrive at the regular meeting time and jump right in to assist the ministry, or you may contact Cookie Driesbach for more information at 910.690.2452.
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King is a religious order in which each Daughter takes a vow to live by the Rule of the Order. Our Rule of Life requires a spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, and evangelism. The prayer list is confidential for those that wish it. Women who are interested in joining must participate in a three-month study. For further information, call Sueson Vess at 910.420.2014.
Daughters of the King normally meet on a monthly basis.
Pastoral Care
In conjunction with office staff and clergy, each Tuesday, a care team member prepares a list of parishioners in need and those who have received pastoral care.
Committees are then contacted to provide pastoral care through church volunteers.
Emmanuel Driving Ministry
The Driving Ministry provides rides to parishioners who need assistance in getting to and/or from medical appointments and, occasionally, to church functions. Please contact the church office at 910-692-3171 for schedule assistance or to volunteer.
Home Touch
On Monday afternoons, our office volunteer Boydie Girimont sends out the weekly HOME TOUCH devotional and activity page to Emmanuel’s homebound.
Knitters Guild
The Knitting Guild, known fondly as the Knit Wits, knits prayer shawls for parishioners who are ill or hospitalized and lap robes for Penick Village residents along with baptismal blankets. In the past thirteen years over 400 prayer shawls, lap robes, and baby blankets have been blessed and delivered. Far more than just another piece of knitting, these prayer shawls/blankets are a source of comfort for body and spirit. So, no matter what your knitting or crocheting skill level might be, there is a shawl that you can make, and you will be giving someone a loving, holy hug! Every shawl will be appreciated more than words can express.
The Knit-Wits normally meet on an as-needed basis. Please contact Jane Deaton at jdeaton@nc.rr.com if you’re interested in participating.