Listening Sessions
Input from Our Parish
In January, 2023, the search committee held four listening sessions with the congregation. Two sessions were held at church, one was held at Penick Village, and another was held with the staff. Members of the parish split into small groups to discuss four questions, detailed below.
The search committee and the vestry have analyzed all 560 comments. The comments were incorporated into the parish profile and will guide future discernment. The graphics that follow are a general summary of the comments. To respect the very personal input provided by many, It does not include any detailed comments.
For the Word Clouds, the larger the word appears in the cloud, the more frequently it appeared in the notes for each question; however, the vestry and search committee value every comment.
Question I
Remember a moment that was a high point, when you felt our church was doing God's work and fulfilling its mission. What was happening?
For Question I, 46 comments named specific clergy. 211 comments highlighted other positive facets of the church, including: outreach; each other; worship; overcoming adversity; our youth, music, and pastoral care programs; and our relationship with EDS.
Question 2
What three things do you value most about your congregation?
For Question 2, 117 comments highlighted that we value most: our tradition of worship; how we care for each other; our music ministry; local and international outreach; clergy/staff; our youth ministries; our diverse backgrounds; our physical campus, and our commitment to social justice.
Question 3
Look back over your entire life. Recall a time when you most appreciated the ministry of a priest. What was happening? What did you appreciate?
Question 3 focused on our entire lives rather than our time with Emmanuel. It generated 105 deeply personal comments that highlighted how a priest: guided our faith, comforted us in times of trial and loss, and administered our sacraments. Across the board we appreciate a caring, pastoral, and loving priest who made an individual connection with us during these moments.
Question 4
What will be our congregation's 3 most exciting, energizing, and important accomplishments to you over the next 3 years?
Question 4 asked us to imagine our best future. It generated 121 comments, nearly all of which mentioned membership growth and a focus on youth and families. We look forward to positives in a wide array of other areas, including: a pastoral priest; an assistant rector; growth in our formation, outreach, and music programs; financial and physical sustainability; a more diverse membership; and stronger bonds with our community, EDS, and other churches.
Bonus question
What makes a good sermon?
The bonus question asked us to describe a good sermon. It generated 121 comments that included the broad descriptive labels: scripture-based; personal and practical; provoking; loving and encouraging; inspirational; and with humor. 20 comments addressed “time,” usually in descriptive terms such as “concise.”