December 6th, Advent Day 10

"Iona has cast its spell on us all. In early times, it heard the sweet songs of God sung by Saint Columba and his followers. And in later days greater folk than we have found there what they sought. This island set apart, this motherland of many dreams, still yields its secret, but it is only as they seek that they shall truly find. To reach the heart of Iona is to find something eternal–fresh vision & new courage for every place where love or duty or pain may call us.”

My reflection comes from this lovely poem attributed to Pastor Harold Troupe, a Methodist minister. “It is only as they seek that they shall truly find.” As I prepare for the season of Advent I am encouraged to LOOK for, LOOK upward, LOOK again, and LOOK after. I have visited Iona three or four times; one was on Pilgrimage with 15 teenagers from our IL church Youth Group! Each time I find it surprising what catches my attention. Iona is a very small island off the Ross of Mull, Scotland, populated with about 170 people, as well as sheep, goats, and cattle. It is the burial site of Kings of burial site of Kings of yore, the site of St. Columba’s Christian community after fleeing from Ireland, a handsome Medieval Abbey, and beautifully carved Celtic stone crosses. On previous visits, we had made the Pilgrimage walk around the island (1mile by 3 miles), explored the Abbey and museums, enjoyed the camaraderie of locals, tourists, and pilgrims. Our last trip there we decided to climb the highest hill, Dun I. When we arrived, we were met by a flock of sheep! The rams were behaving themselves, but I noticed that one ewe had a bell collar. We stood and watched as she began to climb of this rather steep hill with lambs in tow. It was so wonderfully quiet with only the bell and hoof steps of all to be heard. I

was surprised that the verse, "all we like sheep" came to mind, but they were shepherded by the ewe who led them steadily up that hill – and not astray. We too made the climb giving our flock plenty of room so as not to distract. Looking up that hill and in the previous steps of that lovely little flock will always remind me that following on the right path in peace and quiet, there is clarity that all shall be well.

Iona truly is an island, a haven, set apart. You can feel it, see it, experience it as that thin space between you and God which offers surprise, pierces the darkness, or allows something so ordinary that becomes rather remarkable and extraordinary for one who seeks then to SEE. I bet there are other “thin spaces” for us to experience. We just need to LOOK.

Stephanie Hillard


December 7th, Advent Day 11


December 5th, Advent Day 09