December 5th, Advent Day 09

How often do we take the time to look up and appreciate all of God’s creations that are above us? Never, sometimes, frequently?

We are always so focused on looking forward and moving forward. Getting to our next destination in front of us, we seldom take the time to look up! And we should. There is so much beauty above us that is seldom appreciated. Spending a lot of time outdoors, I have learned to appreciate what is above me. As a kid at the beach with my cousins, we would go on the beach at night and lay down and stare at the stars forever. Talking about stuff I don’t remember now.

But I remember looking up and being amazed at the beauty of all the stars above and feeling so small compared to the Universe – and being so excited when we saw a shooting star. There is so much to see above us: the swaying trees in the breeze, the birds, the stars, the sun and the moon. It is important to see them all and embrace them all. It brings me peace and understanding of the bigger picture. There is a bigger picture and sometimes we lose that in our day-to-day routine. It is important to teach our kids to do this, look up, embrace it, reflect on it, enjoy it! There is so much more to life, we just need to look up!

Jeff Giltzow


December 6th, Advent Day 10


December 4th, Advent Day 08