December 2nd, Advent Day 06

"A pregnant pause. Stopping for a moment with expectation. Holding your breath. Waiting in anticipation. That gap between the already and the not yet."

I got to thinking about that phrase recently. The first thing that came to mind was when our oldest son was in the third grade spelling bee and was one of two left standing. He had been over the moon to have been given a spot in the contest and now it was down to the wire. The time between the word being called and his response was a mixture of parental-rapid-heartbeat, breath-holding, and hoping and praying for the correct spelling from that cute little guy….just because he really wanted it.

I wonder if Mary had a moment of catching her breath between Gabriel’s surprising news and her response of obedience and exaltation. Almost makes you wonder if that’s the origin of the phrase.

I’m guessing there was a bit of a pregnant pause as the mud and straw ceiling started crumbling and a lame guy was lowered down through the roof by his friends to a spot on the floor in front of Jesus, who then told him his sins were forgiven and to get up and walk. Kind of sucked the oxygen out of the room while people watched and waited to see what happened next.

Perhaps Advent is meant to be a pregnant pause. A time to slow down and ponder stuff like an expectant teenage mother, waiting to deliver the Son of God. A weary husband and father waiting to hear what the innkeeper will say about vacancies. A deep breath to consider the enormity of God putting on skin and coming to live among us.

I am thinking a pregnant pause is appropriate as we anticipate both the birth of the Christ and His coming again in glory. The already and the not yet.

Come thou long expected Jesus! *

*Hymn by Charles Wesley

Windy Pratt


December 3rd, Advent Day 07


December 1st, Advent Day 05